It's so frustrating to see all the great responses that you guys are leaving me come in on my cell, and not be able to respond with a return (I can't 'comment' through my cell, only post a new entry :-) ). So I'll just address them in an actual entry... lol
Assertive Witt-- I absolutely WELCOME opposing views on my blog :-). Thats how I learn how others may see a situation. If I were to say 'Everyone has to agree with me!' I would never learn, wouldn't have many friends, and would be truly ignorant to EVERYTHING outside of my viewpoint.
I agree that we don't have the ENTIRE story, but in my view, there are very FEW (if any) situations where it is acceptable to brutally attack a woman. I grew up with the saying 'If a woman puts herself in a man's place, then she also takes on ALL that the situation entails.' and that came from my MOM!
I never saw my dad hit my mom... and doubt that it ever happened. If it did, I would be shocked. I believe that a man has every right to PROTECT himself. I would never presume to say that a man should allow himself to be abused for the sake of not being pegged a 'woman beater', HOWEVER i am saying there are other ways to protect ones self.
RESTRAINT. hold her ass down until A.) The cops come or B.) she calms down. If Rihanna had only the bruises on her arms... it could be argued that he had attempted to restrain her and thats where those came from (which may be the case, we don't know the ENTIRE story.). She had 'allegedly' been punched with a closed fist and bitten. BITTEN! When is it acceptable to bite?
Anywhoooo I still think he was wrong. She might be too... we don't know that part of it. But what I feel certain about is that regardless to what she did to 'provoke' him, he attacked her BRUTALLY.
@Blue -- Yes, I was there for that. and YOU recall my reaction to the matter. I was terrified, traumatized, and indirectly victimized in that matter (by the 'women' who took up for that asshole, thinking I was terrified bitch for thinking he was a bitch for striking a woman in the chest.) I had nightmares about that for WEEKS because I had never seen something so disturbing right before my eyes (remember, I'm very sheltered). Perhaps I need to be exposed to life 'outside of my box' and maybe this has crippled me to what is OTHER PEOPLES realities.. but I know for sure that it's not mine.
I also remember your 'diplomatic' reaction and response. You weren't the culprit or involved in anyway so, you really didn't have to take any stance... but u did play the diplomat.
I am not used to that sort of thinking... and my response would never be one of a calm nature. I agree with EVERYONE'S response (if thats possible)... I think we need the full story, I think u should NEVER hit a woman, I think the media should make sure they're accurate in their reporting and that they should LEGALLY be held to that standard..
(whew, that was alot to type out on my celly... lol )