Urban Dictionary is a comical site w/ mostly false definitions for slang terms... I sometimes venture there for a quick laugh, and to see what OTHERS are saying... I went today... because I have friends that are using a term that I had no clue about. FAIL. Now... I know what "Fail" means, but not that it was a hot new slang term. I wanted to know, precisely what "FAIL" meant.
There were MANY definitions, but this one stuck out merely because of the picture accompaniment. Bwaaaaahahahahahaha
Fail:either an interjection used when one disapproves of something, or a
verb meaning approximately the same thing as the slang form of suck.

(This is the picture that was attached)The caption read " you fail baby. You fail." LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
I love UrbanDictionary, not only is it funny... but sometimes it's accurate...
I looked up lls...told me what I wanted to know...
I say "fail" a lot lately...
LMAO...that's terrible..whoever added that definition..FAILS lol....
I love the pic! that's heelarieous!
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