Here you see it... The next two BIG THINGS I intend to buy! 1.) Suzuki Boulevard Motorcycle and 2.) A Mastiff Puppy...
Why you ask? Because I work hard and I deserve these things! I have no MAN in my life so I feel that this will fulfil that need! I mean, who DOESN'T love a huge hard vibrating piece between her legs ( a little explicit I know, but ya know what?! This is MY BLOG!)
ALSO, These matiffs can get to as large as 300lbs+! Who's gonna mess w/ you when you're walkin' a 300lb dog?! Come on now, seriously. And how ADORABLE are they!? Awwwwwww

ALSO, These matiffs can get to as large as 300lbs+! Who's gonna mess w/ you when you're walkin' a 300lb dog?! Come on now, seriously. And how ADORABLE are they!? Awwwwwww
The question is, when will I be able to make these purchases? Not sure. Within the next 2 years FOR SURE! The Mastiff's are between 1,000 and 2000.00 a pop... and The Bike will run close to 10,000.00 (you can get payments on that though.. :) )Sooo Maybe before the end of the year ( on the puppy ) and w/n the next 18 months (on the bike). I feel kinda like a cop out because I'm getting a Suzuki-- but that's the bike that I like... My family is a HARLEY family... My dad has ridden for MOST of his life... and umm... I always thought I'd have one too... Maybe I'll change my mind...
But for now... those are my next two BIG purchases... :)
After that 200lb chimp went all ape shit in Conn.!!(pun intended) I wouldn't mess with any animal that big. Your're safer getting a seamonkey, or a turtle. The turtle goes crazy you can turn the turtle on its back or out run it.
From your love of icing/cream filling to your love of something HARD between your legs.... I knew there was a reason why I like you. ;)
Damn the food bill most be outrageous for those things.
OMG when I lived with my mom/stepdad in neighbors had 2 bull mastiffs...and i NEVER saw them...they were always in the outdoor patio area..but it was like the Sandlot you know always like shakin the wodden fenced like area LOL...
love crotch rockets!...i bet you'll look HOT on that bike!!! luck wishin...i know you'll make it happen!!
Lol... I konw, they're massive! It's cazy but I REALLLLLLY want one... people have been scaring me about the drool...
But I will not be detered.
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