You are not the martyr.
No one will save you because there is not need for salvation.
Those who have been provided for have ALSO made provisons.
Don’t you understand it’s a cycle? WE can all pretend to be in need.
Can pretend to be the knight in shining armor… But at some point it’s necessary to realize
You have also been privy to a rescue via someone ELSE’s white horse.
You are not an axis.
I can’t think of ONE PERSON (present company included) that Spinnnnnnnns around because you are stationary.
I am not any of the things that I proclaim you NOT to be.
However, I do not put myself forth as such.
I’m just Jae. Me. Flaws and all.
Weight, Height, Depth and Breadth of this girl.
This woman. Mother. Sister. Provider. Etc.
I am not a martyr. I have saved but also reaped salvation
I have given but never to get.
Though the cycle of karma has made it her business provide.
So sighing I realize all that was perceived
Is not.
Put away my thoughts and fodder.
Regard it as an inconsequential loss.
Thankful that it was never deeper.
Happy to escape unscathed
Emotionally or otherwise.
I sit back and observe. Watching this ’progress’
Well overdue. Very delayed.
Laughable. Purely.
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6 years ago
nice. not quite poetic whilst still being 'poetic' in nature. love ur rambling there. brings back memories of some poems of mine that, to an outside viewer, could seem very erratic.
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