Saturday, February 14, 2009

**If You Can't Love The One You Want... **

** Tolerate The One You're With **

::Beats Loneliness right?::

**Anywhooo... It's Valentines Day right? And many people are waking up to their significant other... Kissing them and MAYBE a little more ( Morning breath and all)... Not I. I shall be falling ASLEEP w/ my (in)significant other... and we will have had fun listening to music tonight... and I will have a mild hangover... Probably, I'll be regretful that I made the decision that I made ( lol )... and in a rush to be in my 'single' state again...

... but it'll be worth it NOT to be lonely tonight ...

**I HATE Valentines Day! Even when I'm attached! It makes the lonely feel lonliner and the attached feel OBLIGATED! My homie is one that I really like...he's a great guy who adores me... It's just not there. But he's happy to spend time w/ me. And I, with him when we are in need of company. He's a great friend, and I'm really very lucky to have him. I just don't have that "spark" that I require to get involved w/ someone seriously.

**Oh well... Is it ok to fill your time w/ friends until "the one" comes along? If it's clearly understood what you BOTH want and expect from the situation... is it alright to tolerate the one you're with, until you get the one you want?


Kofi Bofah said...

Checking out your spot via Curvy to see what's good.

Kofi Bofah said...

Checking out your spot via Curvy to see what's good.

hotredsly said...

Sometimes we spent so much time with the wrong person that the right person could be right there but we are not able to see them.Take sometime to know you and pray that God will sent you a great man! strong one who will love and respect you for the beautiful person that you are.
Just remember that sometimes we stop our blessing by making the wrong choice with our life.

All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...

we do such because a lot of us dont know ourselves and cant be honest with self

JaeSpenc said...

That's absolutely right Torrance-- so in the search for ones 'self' I believe we explore DIFFERENT people to see how we're reflected...

... like I said... beats the hell out of lonliness.

Jillian said...

eh i celebrated Single Awareness Day lol

BTW your first song scared the bejeezus outta me when i got here lol

JaeSpenc said...

Haha-- nothing like a little Marilyn Manson to bring the anger out... :)