**This is a poem I wrote probably 5 or 6 years ago** I wanted to blog but my head is on THROB!!! I did wanna have something in for today though :) Hope you like it...
The Way It Was
by Jae Spence
I finally forgot, the way you smelled...
Not of cologne or aftershave, as I was accustomed,
but of `man`, of play, of dark beauty and raw freedom.
The way I could feel you, before we even touched
Through the electricity that filled the void between us.
And the way you rubbed your nose on mine in the moments before our breath mingled,
closing in for a kiss.
How your hair laid spread across your angelic face
as unknown thoughts, visions, hopes for tomorrow and disappointments of yesterday
whirred in your head.
Your hands draped over my hips.
Clinging, pulling, keeping me close to you.
So afraid to let go, yet knowing that you lack the wanting to hold on.
I don’t quite remember the line of your leg as you ran.
Your thick thigh extending outward pulling behind the calf.
Powerfully outstretched into the dust.
The look of determination and the longing to prove "them" wrong in your eyes.
The extension of your foot as you headed home.
How scratchy your face was, when we finally arrived at that moment
where anticipation was too strong and the magnetism was not to be resisted.
So softly, gently, you pressed your lips to mine.
crawling beneath my skin,
invading my psyche in the most innocent of ways
Without know you were doing it,
bombarding from the inside out.
Tremors rip up my spine tingling every single vertebra
awakening each nerve ending until I feel like my skin is going to detach
Where did that emotion go? The one that took me over every time I caught a glimpse of the brownest brown hue in your eye
wanting to repair all that I saw and expose the `right` that I’d built for myself. Wanting to give you the world, destroy it, and then remake it
in order restore the purity that is deserved.
I’ve forgotten, not how to love, because love never blossomed for us
Not how to care, because caring in it’s sweetest form always encompasses me,
but how to feel, how to know, and how to trust.
I am blackened to the obvious and now read below the dermal layers of all you say, all you do, and all you write.
To me you are gone
and all I have left after I have forgotten
are the memories
By Jeanne` Spencer
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6 years ago
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