Yay! So this is my 100th blog-- I decided to dedicate it to none other than ME! JAE! :) I talk about the DOWN shit that's going on in my life alot. And how ANGRRRRRRRY I am... But-- There are alot of things that I enjoy about being ME! I actually like being Jae... ALOT! So I'm gonna fill this blog w/ things that I like... FIRST UP-- This is the hottest picture of me that I have... lmao-- in my opinion... *it's relative right*... (no wait... that's me in the morning.... lol)
THIS is the one I'm thinking of... I'm not sure why I think it's hot-- lmao-- I took it myself and that's actually the shirt of an ex ( not the one w/ the whole panty thing going on... a different one)... I rarely feel pretty--- but in that pic... I did... so I like.
THE NEXT thing about ME that I like is my independence. I am blessed, in these tough economic times, to have a wonderful job. I love my co-workers, boss', and the job that I do. I get to help people, and get the moneyyyyyy rollin' in. Hopefully I get to stay there while I go back to school (whenever I do that)... but for now it's afforded me the opportunity to " Have my Own".
The song playing "She Got Her Own"... is a song that reminds me of NONEOTHER than... well... ME! :D ... EVERY WORD of that song is me... lol... I am completely independent and fully expect to SHARE w/ my mate (by sharing I mean, EQUALLY... lol) I've paid for dates ( and he has too)... Bought nice gifts, as I've gotten nice gifts... and am happy to be able to say I depend on NO ONE... Yip yip yippp Jae!!!
Below is a video of my pride and joy and I-- This video makes me almost cry everytime... LADIES-- LISTEN TO MY DAUGHTER-- I'm talkin'.. She was like 5 in this video!! and she talks about CHEATING MEN!!! So candidly... This is the reason I live... my daughter... all the best ( and a few of the worst ) parts of me live in her... Ms. Moriya.
Ok... this has gotten long... so here are a list of OTHER things that I LOVE about me...
- My ability to forgive.
- My laugh (It's a great, rich, belly laugh... you can tell I'm REALLY laughing... (I don't ever giggle))
- My soft heart
- My deep soul
- My huge feet-- oh wait... I don't like those.
- The ability to make new friends easily.
- The ability to make others laugh.
Aight...that's not it... but it's enough... :) Hope you enjoyed my 100th blog... and if you don't do ANYTHING ELSE... watch that vid of my kid-- I SWEAR she's insightful...
she is beautiful...
Happy 100th!!!...no love like SELF love!!!
Wow, Jae, Miss Moriya made my day! She is such a beautiful, charismatic little missy and I can tell you've showered her with the love every little girl needs. You're an awesome mom, girlie!
LOL u do look great so i guess independent is really single
@Torrance lol-- Yeah, it reallmy means single in my case... lol
@Curvy-- Thank you so much. That's the best compliment anyone could ever give me. Being a mom means the WORLD to me. :)
@Jillian -- Thanks for the comps... I won't tell her you said that, he head's already big! lmaooo...
she is just beautiful!!! This brought tears to my eyes... wow, A bond between a mother and a child yours is beyond beautiful!
That pic is hot- I love taking random pics wearing random things with a random hairstyle and just posing however- it's cool to see how they turn out...Your daughter is too cute!
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