Tuesday, February 10, 2009

**People Disappoint Me**

* Just sayin'- They do.

I guess it's my fault for allowing them to do this. I always give more credit that one generally deserves so this set up is all mine. This has NOTHING to do with anything love related. Just common courtesy related. People-Let-Me- Down.


Young woman on a journey said...

aww. hope you are okay. people are disappointing. i don't even have advice for that ish.

JaeSpenc said...

I'm cool! :) see my BIG SMILE!?!? :D Just learning about people... and it's really sad. This is what makes ya withdraw into your shell ya know...


oh well

All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...

we all have to take responsibility. we do create our own reality u know

JaeSpenc said...

You're abolutely right Mr. Stephens.. :) That's why I said it's my fault. I keep some folks aroung wayyyy too long... and let others get wayyyy too close too fast.

It's being rectified.

hotredsly said...

the only person we can really trust not to disappoint us is God.Because as human we are all unperfect and without meaning to at times we hurt and disappoint the onces we love.I pray that you will fine peace and blessing in the love of Jesus

Kofi Bofah said...

Sometimes you do have to believe that people are good, though.