**Quick thing-- The song playing " Buy You a Drink " will always be associated w/ my most recent ex. I realized that when I was looking up information about my crush Anoop Desai (see below) and found this site where he was SINGING it w/ his college musical group. I love the song... something about the harmonies tug @ my heart... lol... and my memories... ANYWHOOO moving right along...
These are my crushs... don't laugh. lmao I'll never BE w/ these people ( not that lucky ) but I like looking at them... There is a definate theme here... see if you can figure it out...

Anoop Desai-- From American Idol.... Well, I actually just saw that he didn't make it through... BUT THERE'S ALWAYS the WILDCARD show...
Love you Anoop-Dawg... How handsome is he (I know I know... not for everyone...but I love him!)

He has like THE BEST hair I've ever seen!

Alright-- The LAST person is an actual celeb... and no one ELSE thinks he's hot that I've told. LOL-- I don't care! lmao I still have a crush on him... KAL PEN!!! ( Kumar from Harold and Kumar)
So... Have you guessed where my major attraction lies these days? (Indian/Middle Eastern Men) hahaha... Love love love em... I wish I had a picture of the hot guythat works in the Subway across from my job... lol He's hot too! and OH SO HAIRY! lmaooooooooo I know, I have weird likes right?! LMAO

okay, this is odd.
i have crushes on indian men too. deepak's hair is on point. he is a hottie. you should see Amir Khan. He is so sexy and only is in political bollywood movies. oh i love him! lol.
last dude...he made me cry in the namesake!
Kal Pen is hot...
not my overall cup of tea...
and yes i think im a little jealous of the deepak hair..LOL
Your blog just gave a bunch of cabbies in NY hope. lol
Im with you on the last one girl! lol heeey
......u could find a way to associate ANYTHING with that lame.
i won't comment on indian/middle eastern men but their women sure as hell are fiiiiiiine for sure! haha. i think some of the hottest women on earth are in the middle east. when i was stationed in kuwait i we got mtv india on normal tv .....i love watchin that shit. even though they seem to b stuck in the 80s with fashion i always loved watchin their videos cuz every damn song no matter what it was about had choreographed belly dancing in it somehow! haha
I love indian women too!!! I have an affinity towards women w/ dark complextions, dark eyes, and dark hair... the eyes can be light as well... but the hair and complextion have to be dark (middle eastern, indian, native american, South American, etc)...
(I am not gay... just think women are hot.... some of them).
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