This is my bedroom as it sits now... empty... lol.. lonely lonely bed... lmaoooo
** Ok... last night was kind of a knee jerk blog. Let me qualify my remarks today...
--Thought I know you can't dictate when it happens. I think you can say when you're ready. I am ready to be 'in love' again. I just have fond memories of the great things that were involved w/ that. I am trying to shut out all the bad things that were tangled in w/ those trappings... lol.. I am tired of "making due" with someone who adores me and that I don't have reciprocal feelings for. That's not fair to either party.
-- At somepoint you have to say ENOUGH. I won't settle anymore... And that's where I am. I've had what I deemed to be a great (part) of what 'love' should be. And I won't settle for less. I want someone who treats me well ( this dude does). Someone who's smart ( not so much ). Someone who has a bright future ( regardless to what that means... and believe is relative). Someone who thinks the sun rises and sets in me (haha! Believe it or not Jay-- he did @ first ("jenny")). Someone who makes me smile just by smiling... Someone who's frown makes me smile. Someone who's heartbreak also breaks my heart. Someone to be proud of. Someone to hold. Someone to wakeup next to and take that 'deep breath'.. you know which one I mean... the one that says... how did I get so damn lucky.
-- He's out there... and he'll find me. He'll find me while I'm volunteering... Or at the Gym... or taking a class... or something like that. My dream man doesn't hang out at the club. Blah... Blah Blah... Blah... I'm so sick of typing about love... SICK! I'm gonna put a "once a week" clause in my love subject matter section of the blog! lmaoooo
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6 years ago
"I'm gonna put a "once a week" clause in my love subject matter section of the blog!"
Good move.LOL :P
wow- you said a mouthful-I think I may have found all that in my new friend- right now he sure seems to think the sun sets and rises on we shall see- time will tell...
yea, me too. What I have learned about the guy that I am dating is that, love does not come in the package that we always expect it to come in. Sometimes, God has something different planned.. Nice post though
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