Just wanted to say THANKKKKKKKS to everyone who reads, follows, and responds to my blog. My reason for COMING here is because I like to VENTTTTT... I LOVE the opinions of others and actually read EVERY COMMENT. I've always been a fan of the opinions of strangers. An impartial audience that can say-- ummm this makes NO SENSE w/o the fear of hurting my feelings
(actually... be careful... I'm pretty sensitive... lol)
I'm feeling ok today.... i'm actually very thankful for a new day, a new week, a new life, and a new chance.... I'm super thankful for the friends that I have in my life and for having the sense to let the friends go, that I have. Some were toxic, some were holding me back, some I had just outgrown... I'm thankful that I had the sense to realize this.
I'm actually not sad AT ALL about the upcoming baby of my exie... I am dealing w/ it suprisingly well. It's actually a little disturbing to me that I'm not STILL in hysterics. The spin that I've applied is that God let me know, it's time to move on Jae. One day I will be so THANKFUL that Jim and I never worked out that it's going to be ridiculous. When I meet the man that I'm supposed to be w/... I'll probably call him and tell him (Jim) thanks for getting that other broad knocked up... lol
YO!!! (wait, do people say "yo" anymore?)... oh well... YO!!! We're about to get some ridiculous weather here in KY!!! Like 4 inches of snow over night...then another 4 during the day tomorrow... and then 1 1/2 inches of ICE ontop of that!!! WHAT?! Yeah it's not like a NEW YORK blizzard ( shut it Jayce)... but it's alot for here! I'm not excited to have to drive in that bull malarky! AT ALL
I wanna cuddle up with a book, or a person... and just vegggggggggggggggggggggg in the snow. lol but it's not hapnin'-- lol
Anywhoooo I've rambled enough for now...
I again, wanna say THANKS for reading my bullshit. And PLEASE comment... I love others opinions ( wait, I said that already... hold on...is this blog about to recycle itself and start over?! WHAT?!)...
I better stop while I can
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6 years ago
That really is a great gift...
I never thought to do that...maybe when I get older and have to give a gift to someone I'll do that...
Yeah I did the twists...
I have a post on it somewhere on my blog...
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