Wednesday, January 28, 2009

** I've become the Calorie Nazi-- but... this may be going OVERBOARD!!**

Let me start this one with a good HEARTY LAUGH :: Bwahahahahahah ::


Ok... I was talking to my friend Byron online tonight... and we were talking about calories... I have become the CALORIE nazi and can pretty much tell you the caloric contents of ANY food. I may need to look it up, but I will FIND IT!

I told him I could make any GOOD food sound HORRIBLE w/ the information I give. and he thought that was funny and questioned why... I then said (honestly w/o thinking)...

... " I have to know the caloric content of ANYTHING that goes down my throat..."

-- silence--

... and then I said... " Don't make that dirty!"... lmaoooooooooo It was already in my head... so then I went on to quote him the caloric make up of "semen". LMAOOOOO (5 calories per 200-300 million sperm for anyone who may be interested)... I, of course had to look this up... and when I did... I saw something ELSE on a seemingly serious site that made me give a good hearty belly laugh :: BWahahahahaha:: Here it is::

" The average ejaculate, laden with between 200 and 300 million sperm, amounts to about about 5 calories ... For comparison, a greasy cheeseburger contains over 500 calories, so to equal one junk-food attack you'd need to gulp down over 100 ejaculates. Comforting thought... "

:: HAAAAAAHAhahahahahahaha:: So hilarious who would ever think of comparing the caloric make up of an actual MEAL to the content of a-- ahem -- conquest product?!

I thought that was hilarious... and wanted to share. lol sorry

(and EW at "GULPING" down ejaculate! come on now... that gives the illusion of a big tall cup w/ some cookies or something ::vomit:: )


NightFall914 said...

WoW @ "Conquest product"