Sunday, January 4, 2009

** Obsessive Personality **

Have you ever met someone w/ an obsessive/addictive personality?


Well, please allow me to formally introduce myself... My name is Jae.

It's really only recently that I realized that what happens with me is obsession. This extends to music, food, clothes, and unfortunately... people. When I find something that I like... I WEAR IT OUT until I no longer like it. A song, I'll listen to NONSTOP for DAYS. Round and round and round it will spin in my cd player... until I just can't listen to it anymore... then I listen one more time.

This can be a good and bad trait. The good part is when you get addicted or obsessed w/ something good. Hopefully I'll become obsessed to working out. That too though, can prove to be dangerous. Once you get to where you need to be, if you're STILL obsessed, you go overboard.... The way that it's bad is with PEOPLE. When you find someone... and you're in a relationship w/ them... and then you become ADDICTED... they become TRULY like a drug. Like you don't know when to stop or let that drug go...

That was the case w/ my last relationship. I knew... probably about 6 months to a year before it ended... that it needed to end. BUT because I was addicted to this person... I craved him. I wanted that fix. Even after we broke up (for good), I continued to look @ his page... make sure he was alive... just to see him. I made myself believe that I just cared about him as a friend after all and wanted to ensure things were ok... but truth be told... I wanted to know if he was over me... and if he was as obsessed w/ me... as I was with him... sick right?!

My plight has never, and will never drive me to do anything truly "crazy"-- It never will because I'd like to believe that I'm better than that... but it does drive my mind to constantly think about things that I'd rather leave unthought....

Obsessions... ugh.