(this is MY arm and MY leg)--- Notice the difference? There are NO camera effects here.. My arm REALLY [was] that dark this summer yet my legs ARE the color than I am now (winter) all the time because I don't do shorts or skirts.... That color difference to me, is nothing... but to others-- is EVERYTHING... with that being said....
It's rant time again....
I'm so SICK of people WITHIN MY OWN RACE making the actual SHADE of our skin an issue!!! MY ENTIRE LIFE I've been pegged the "light-skinned, yella, stuck up, or white" girl... just because my skin is fair or my hair is fine.
NO! I am not BI-RACIAL.
NO! I don't think I'm better than ANYONE. And if I did-- it would have NOTHING TO DO w/ the shade of my skin or the texture of my hair... Those are superficial things. Things I couldn't care LESS about. Things that wouldn't make or break me if I lost the "privilege" (as some call it) of having.
THEN! I get that I'm a "wanna be" because I know how to speak! WHAT?! Am I supposed to speak in ebonics and wear crazy hairstyles just because my race box says " black "?
THIS URKS ME! We are one people! BLACK. Light skinned, dark, chocolate, or other... why do we turn in on ourselves? Why must we discriminate against OURSELVES!!!??!
I read someone (presumably) saying that Barack Obama wasn't 'black enough' That we had a Black President but that they'd be happy when their President was "Black". I misinterpreted what this person meant... based on my sensitivity w/ the subject... but it did bring me to the conclusion that you just can't WIN for losing!!

WHY THEN must we tear him down? WHY THEN must we say that he's not "one of us" because he doesn't play the victim. He doesn't continuously talk about how downtrodden he is or the difficulties he's had. He doesn't try to DIVIDE and conquer... he tries to UNIFY and inspire...
HIS OWN PEOPLE! Tearing him down. I can't STANDDDDDDDD it.
Let us stand w/ President Obama. Let us take this chance to come out from behind the "race card" and the "victim" mentality. Let us take what has happend TO our ancestors and the people who have lost their lives to pave the way for us, and make opportunities happen FOR us.
NO LONGER can we say " The Man " is keeping us DOWN... WE ARE The man. HE IS US. ALL OF US. BLACK/WHITE/ASIAN/or OTHER...
Get behind him.
He is our President.
I think most real men and women didn't need a blacC President for their own personal benefit but for the our people as a whole it hopefully will highlight the positives that get so often over shadowed.
It should not only HIGHLIGHT the positives, but should give the ones who haven't been inspired to be more... the gumption to move forth...
preach sista preach! i feelya cuz my life has pretty much lead the same path. my nickname (from family) as a kid was yellow man. wow. and all my life i've gotten pushed away by my own 'kind' just cuz i was light skinneded (yes i spelled it that way on purpose). and they wanna talk about 'black' ppl need to stick together and all this bullshit well i say FUCK black ppl if they can't accept me and my light brown skin. i'm human first and 'black' second. but of course i hate being called black cuz aint shit about me black except my hair and my pupils! but that in itself is yet another topic i could rant about!!!! grrrrrrrr
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