Five yummy things:
1. PUMPKIN pie (Not sweet potato... ew)
2. French Vanilla/Lemon mixed cake
3. Cheesecake
4. My lipgloss (it's flavored for HIS pleasure... lol)
5. ME! (Just bein' honest!)
Five songs I know by heart:
1. Ave Maria (In Latin)
2. Don't Speak (lol you just reminded me of that one Jayce)
3. Always (As) Stevie Wonder
4. Diary by Alicia Keys ((Iknow this one tooo... that my be my next MYSPACE KARAOKE venture... lmao)
5. Reach Out (Written by my exie Freeeebie--- and sung by Nikkie Batey ( @ least my favorite version is.. )
Five places I would like to escape to (in no particular order):
1. Brazil
2. Spain
3. Japan (that would be fun)
4. India
5. Anywhere w/ a nice water feature
Five things I would never wear:
1. To be honest I can't say something I'd NEVER wear...
2. An Athletic Supporter ( duh )
3. Hmmm
4. Seriously... I'd try anything
5. I'm not a fashionista... lol
Five favorite TV shows (in no particular order):
1. Run's House (Rev Run is the BEST DADDY... and I hope my hubby is like him)
2. The Cosby Show
3. Any home makeover show on HGTV
4. Lock-up
5. ALMOST ANY Reality T.V Show
Five things I enjoy doing (in no particular order):
1. Writing
2.Hanging out w/ my daughter out
3. Making others laugh
4. Reading
5. Umm Sex/Being close w/ a partner.
Five Favorite toys (in no particular order):
1. My ADULT toys... ;^)
2. Play Doh ( but I always made lewd figures w/ the dough)
3. Sit and Spin
4. My radio ( I love music...)
5. Men... xD
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