Soooo it's week 3 into my "New Year, New Jae" venture... I jumped on the scale today and YIPPPEEEE 5 more lbs... Which brings me to 22lbs in 3 weeks. I wish I had some PRE-DIET face shots... but I don't-- so I'll have to EXPLAIN the differences...
The crappy thing about being ENORMOUS (Besides actually BEING enormous), is that even as you lose weight, it is hard to tell. 22lbs on a 150lb person would be a very noticeable difference. but on someone who weighs as much as me ( HA! You thought I was gonna tell ya... ), it's a drop in the bucket.
The BIG thing that prompted me to take action was that I was unhappy in my life. I realized that my weight had turned me into more of an introvert than I EVER wanted to be. I've ALLLLWAYS been the center of attn (as most Gem's need to be)-- but because I always thought people were talking about me and thinking that I'm fat and ugly... I stayed to myself more.
All my life all I've had was my face. Never the GREAT BODY. Either FAT or BUILT (muscularly) large. I have been smaller before, but never skinny... I barely remember wearing a size 12... and I think that I was about that same age when I wore it... I was a cheerleader in Highschool... but, not the skinny minnie type. I was ALWAYS thick (Healthy thighs (muscular) and an ample hindquarters... lol)... but when I got older and in college... I became REALLY big... and after I had my kiddo-- it just continued and continued and continued...
At THIS point (now), I weigh about 50lbs more than I did when I was 9 months preggers. and it's depresssing. BUT-- my drop in the bucket will eventually add up, and I'll be where I wanna be... For now though, I have to be content to notice the subtle differences that we bigg-uns can call our "tip of the iceburg"
3 weeks ago, I had NO JAWLINE. Not even a HINT of one. I had grown that thing that hangs from your chin to your throat... the perma-double chin. No matter WHAT direction you turned. you saw shit UNDER your chin... now... I have this...

YAY!!! An actual JAWLINE-- I can actually POSITION THE CAMERA UNDER my head-- and not see my chin! WHOOO HOO... I check everyday... and ma so happy when the layer of fat between my skin and my actual jawbone gets thinner... and thinner and thinnnnnnnner... yip yip. My face is MUCH slimmer... even slimmer than last weeks blog... and WAY thinner than the TEST blog... you can KINDA see the differences...
--Other subtle differences, My WRISTS are alot smaller. My ankles are smaller and my clothes are starting to get a bit loose. My hands are thinning out as well.
--Seems to me that I am losing very evenly... My back is smaller ( youknow thost back handles... lmao)-- they're melting away... AND AND AND... My ARSE is smaller in my car seat!
This is QUITE an exciting journey... I love the new changes... Love the attention that I'm regaining most of ALL!!! I actually had a guy LOOK at me recently! That hasn't happened in quite sometime. I felt kinda cute I guess... lol he watched me out of the store and THEN came to the window and peered at me... lol... I DO BELIEVE I was oogled! hahaha
Anywhooo-- my next step is to get my NECK back-- lmao-- this is a pic from just a few months ago ( maybe a year or so... ). I was STILL heavy... but about 20lbs lighter than I am now... so HOPEFULLY I'll get my NECK DEFINITION back next... lol

Even though you've been tap dancing on my nerves recently, I'm so proud of you.Nothing better then seeing my people excel, strive and meet there goals.Keep up the good work. :)
lol...um thanks for ruining my high and hurting my feelings Jayce... :(
But thanks for the support.
so what are you doing different? Are you on a special diet, exercising more, eatting less?
I am actually (supposed to be ) training for a 5k coming up in March. I'm also doing a 10k 2 weeks later and a 10 miler after that. I'm taking in between 1200 and 1800 calories a day and working out 3 days a week... w/ some pilates inbetween...
Wow- congrats! Work it out lady!
hoorayyyyyy for jawline. when i saw it on ur status a while back i was like wtf is jawline (i kept pronouncing it jawleen figuring it was some ghetto named friend of urs, lol) but i guess i know what it means now, haha.
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