One thing that "big girls" miss out on that I can't WAIT to do is... wear sexy lingerie ( and look damn hot in it)... I DEFINATELY plan to rock this sorta thing on the REGULAR when I get to where I wanna be...
This one would probably be reserved for the wedding night... I can see me with my black hair-- and tanned skin... sashaying into the room w/my hubby waiting for me... lol
I SO CANNOT wait to wear some lingerie... lol
I just thought this ensemble was really pretty... Just sayin... I'm gonna wear it in the house by myself... hahaha They say you have to seduce YOU. So JAE WATCH OUT!!!
Lets not
forget the kinky side of things... I could be santa's helper in THAT get up for SURE-- and Who wouldn't like to have their house cleaned by a sexi sexi french maid... lol Something about LOOKING sexy just makes it so. You could be wearing some holey granny panties and a big ole 10 clasp bra, but if you THINK you're the shit... well then you exude that confidence that absolutely MAKES you the shit. 

One thing I DO NOT like is MEN in lingerie-- ew... I love my man in some boxer briefs. PERIOD. Love to see a man in that more than I love him naked ( maybe I was lookin' @ the wrong naked body... lol). Yum Yum Yum on some damn boxer briefs...

Girl, Stop! I wear nice lingerie for my MAN all the time and I am a super thick chica. He loves it! Yes he do! Super Thick Chica can wear the lingerie too, but you HAVE to have the confidence to rock it!! And I agree with the boxer or briefs thing, Men look crazy in lingerie, ie the bottomless thongs, or the elephant trunks..
LOL!!! I hear THAT girlie... It all comes down to the confidence... I never felt confident enough to wear lingerie... To be honest. I don't even let guys see me in my UNDERROO's... lol
(yeah, I know, how is THAT possible?! LOL )
I'm REALLLLLLY body concious... sooo I try to keep covered as much as I can... hopefully that will pass...
Ok I second everything Chandra said- I wears the hell outta some lingerie right now and I'm a BIG MAMA! I love my body and my man loves the hell out of it too! lol I can't believe you dont let him see you in your underroo's wow...but like you said- it's all about confidence...I'm sure you'll be rocking it once you get to a size that makes you comfortable!
yeah, it's DEFINATELY all about how you feel inthe undies... lol I wanna look like THESE CHICKS when I strut out... lol
You know they got lingerie sites for the big gals too...
yeah... no problem... I got it from you and thought it right to give you credit...
definately all about confidence. I guess I am just not confident in lingerie yet... lol...
Good thing, cause there's no one to look @ me in it! LMAO
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