I wanna go to Dubai someday
and Brazil
and Trinidad
I think I've said that before
I have a love/hate relationship w/ my naturally curly hair (pictured!)
New York is too far from Kentucky
This snow sucks.
But I secretly wanna go make huge snow angels
My daughter just said Judge Penny (Family Court Judge on T.V) is ' ONE HOT MAMA"
Is judge Penny black or Hispanic?
Just looked it up, she's creole (black from New Orleans area w/ mulatto heritage)
She is pretty though... at least my kid has good taste.
I'd so rather be at work.
The power is out there, so I may be off again tomorrow...
at least I'm being paid to do nothingI need to get back in the running thing

Why does my kid keep screaming?!
I wanna do another load of laundry but they said the water was going to be off.
It's not.
I'm lonely
I hate that I'm lonely
I am thinking about Jimmie less and less everyday
I'm very happy about that.
I haven't had any dreams about that situation yet.
But I'm afraid
because when I do, it's gonna hit me like a ton of bricks.
I hate the silence.
When the power was out last night, it was too quiet. I heard nothing.
My breath
My daughters breath
and the most scary thing, my thoughts
I couldn't sleep because they were deafening
where is my solace?
that place where I feel comfort and love
:: sigh ::
WHOA!! They showed a hemorrhoid commercial on T.V!!??!
They were singing and dancing.
Some commercials are ludicrous
I'm a little chilly...
I'm gonna go turn the heat up
... enough rambling for now...
jealous that you get to be home!
loneliness is only a step to contentment.
RYC*Responding to your commnet*: Hah, I just made that up! Well anyways! I will let you know how it is!!! I am excited to try it out!!
I looove your natura hair! I am thinking about going back!
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