SO, above being proud of myself for completeing the 5k... comes ANOTHER proud moment.
Exie told me that he loved me last night and always would... and I didn't swoon! What does this mean?! lmaooo Hopefully that I'm really ready to embrace this friendship that we're building without hope of "Purple Mountains Majesties".
The context of the conversation was funny @ first-- w/ him trying to damn fool me... and then me doing the same to him (only to come clean)... He said he and [new broad] were naming their kid after me. ::blank stare:: So I'm thinking they're going to do a take off of "Jae" (just the name I go by... not my governmental name). We'd always planned to name our first daughter Jaeleigh (His first initial and middle name written out / my first name (J.Lee and Jae)), Our first son would most definately be a III (He's a Jr. Obviously).
So given that, I thought he'd just migrated that plan to Jen (new broad). BUT THEN he says they're planning to use my full governmental name (minus) the last name... And I'm like yeah, whatevs... you're full of shit. lmaoooo I knew it was a joke...
We laugh about that... as we seem to be drifting our separate ways again I say, " Oh by the way, I meant to tell you you Jinxed me on Valentines day..." He'd told me to go make a baby w/ Kris... in a fit of anger for my spending time w/ him.
He asks how and I allude the fact that I'm preggo (I'm not). He is shocked... and gives me the same congrats that I probably gave him when he confirmed his REAL pregnancy... I let this back and forth go on for a bit... then fess up... adding that God has let things happen as they were supposed to. Letting him know that I thought we'd never gotten preggo because God knew that we wouldn't last forever and was saving him for Jen. I told him that our relationship was about 90% bad and I'm glad that we still came out of it w/ our friendship intact and growing stronger..
He thinks our relationship was good (becasue i was the one taking all the shit and he was getting all the unconditional love) and that small things caused our end. Oh well.... He's jaded. SOOoooo We continue to chit chat... he wants to know more about the dynamic of my friendship w/ Kris.... I know I shouldn't have told him... because... why would he wanna know... I tell him anyway... lmao... Tell him that Kris "serves a purpose".
"I guess I served a purpose too huh?"
... here it comes... wait for it wait for it.....
"No, I lovED your ass to death. Him. Just a filler."
"I love you very much too.. and always will."
:sigh: I knew this... I KNEW he still loved me... and I know it's not the same as it was and means nothing... but it was weird that he actually SAID it... He hasn't said it in over a year. I didn't swoon or take anything from it... was just shocked that he admitted it.
(btw, wonder where his babies mama is while he's texting his almost babies-mama-wife? lmao)
The convo continues, but I move the subject into more secure territories...
Nothing eventful...
It still was nice to know I still own a piece of real estate in his heart... :)
He makes it a point to tell me that he's not marrying her because of the baby... but still will most likely marry her. (I don't care). Wonder why he does that?
Oh well...
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6 years ago
A)I always throw up a lil reading your "planned on having kids" stuff with this lame.
B)I ALWAYS feel sooo bad for ya boy Kris if it wasnt for the fact he's allowing himself to be used. "Yo KRIS!!!Man Up kid.Where ya BALLS AT???"
Apparently you and ya lame both are crazy with textual conversation.I know you're infamous for texting at rude times and he may not be too dissimilar.
A.) It's a fact. We were trying to have a baby.
B.) Kris knows the name of the game. We are friends. He's the sweetest guy I have ever met. Just no spark. I've told him that. He insists on continuing to hang. So it is what it is.
C.) I was here alone while we were texting. Nothing rude about that. As far as him, I can't help that. I don't know if she was there or not.
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