Ok, I'm a raunchy girl. Some define me as a GUYS girl... I hadn't really displayed that in my blogs previously (only mildly), for fear of offending people by speaking about overtly sexual things.
... I finally realized I couldn't supress the beast (hence the "everything's starting to look like a..." blog.) So from now on, I'm me. Cursing, crass, sexual inuendo, etc... love it or hate it... Thanks for following... but I don't wanna offend... If I ever speak on something that offends you... and you can't deal w/ it... I won't take it personally if you quit following ( but I will miss you dearly :( )
My next blog will be a video blog talking about several things that my guy friends and I have been discussing recently... including, but not limited to, "where do you want it", What next, Where is the line (of being gay/bi/straight), when is it ok to 'get it on' in a non-comitted relationship... etc
If anyone has any input on these... I WELCOME it... if you wanna talk about anything else... lemme know... HEY! If you have Windows movie maker we could do a montage! You record your part. send it to me... and I'll SPLICE it together... it can be like a mini blog show... wooo hoo...
I'm getting excited now...
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6 years ago
That sounds like it'll be extra exciting ..
Never have to worry about offendin me .. Im a perv!!!
Can't wait to watch this lol
LoL......its showtime.
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