Ok... I FINALLY have a twitter account... I'm not REALLY sure how it works, but I'm pretty sure I've been doing this with my "FACEBOOK" account all along! lmaooooo Add me is you like http://twitter.com/JaeSpence (or follow me. I guess that's how you say it... I just don't like how it sounds)... I'll get the updates to my cell right?
Hmmm this could make for quite a few text messages...
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6 years ago
Dang, I think I'm going to have to take the plunge. I signed up months ago, but haven't touched it since.
oh man you've given in....smh...
@ Curvy Girl-- Come onnnnn tweeting is fun... I've only had it a few hours and I MAY just be obsessed... lmao!!!
@Kenya-- Thanks for being my first official tweet! :)
@Jillllzzz COME ON OVER TO THE DARK SIDE!! LOL It's so fun... and I can see it becoming a new obsession... lol
Smh @ Jae following the trend.
On my flight home there was a business group going to a "Twitter for Business" seminar.
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