*I don't consider myself to be a overly 'SEXUALLY DRIVEN' person. I don't start my day seeking out sex or sexual gratification and it's not even top 5 on my priority list. I DO however consider myself to have a definite response to the LACK of sex in my life.
... Wait... Let me reword that... GOOD SEX in my life. It's been QUITTTE SOMET
IME since I've had that and it's starting to weigh on me. Things are starting to look like objects that I KNOW they're not... I'm giving anything with a slightly phallic shape the "eye" and having to REIN MYSELF in when there's even a SEMI-steamy scene on T.V. YES! Self love is a WONDERFUL thing... but Man oh MANNNNNNNNNN do I love a nice hard penis. (yes, this is MY blog and I can say that.!)
I have some questions... Anyone who knows the answers, please feel free to answer...
1.) Is morning wood "functional"?
-I've heard that it's not from a few people, but also remember it 'functioning' well for me.
2.) Girth or Width?
-For me... it's GIRTH! I love to feel him just at the moment of insertion seemingly breaking me apart... NICCCCCCCCCE-- but there again, it's been a ridiculous amount of time since that's been the case... Soooo I don't really remember... lol
3.) Wake up sex, Good or Bad?
-- I mean the sex when you WAKE UP and you're ALREADY in the act...Do you enjoy it?
I DO! LOL ( you guys don't have to answer this... I know it's personal... but I've heard some hilarious stories stemming from this sort of thing... lmaoooooooo)
--sigh-- Hopefully someday soon I'll have all the fun, love, joy, and beauty connected to a beauuuuuuuuutiful penis (and the guy that holds it)... but for now... I'll just continue to restrain myself in the vegetable aisle... lol
Your too cute :)
Ok so this blog reflects me in so many ways..
1. i do see a lot of phallic shapes...n have to say to myself get a grip girl...
*morning woods are very functional
*definitely Girth
* Wake up sex is good except for the fact that morning breath could be a "gross" thing
(Nice Blog)
lol @ Jaycie-- thanks!!! It's the penis glasses that did it for you isn't it?! lol
@Truthfully... lol glad you like it... I mean it's BANANA's sometimes?! Like , 'Jae, seriously! Stop and get your mind OUT of the gutter...'
... I sometimes find myself looking @ PERFECT STRANGERS and imagining them having sex. lmao not w/ me... but just in GENERAL! lmao
IDK about that last part girl! But i do look at other men n wonder what they have to "offer"
*by the way Gee Nuh Mah Ree put me on!...she praised your page and now i praise it (lol)
Lol ..
Love this blog ..
I havent had sex with a dude in a long while .. so
I have a "realistic" looking dildo .. lol
and when it comes to THAT ...
GIRTH is the shit .. that ripping apart feeling is wonderful ..
Morning sex is wonderful whether it be with a female of male .. Whew!
And that banana shit .. uhm? Lol ahahahahahaah wow.
You need some QUICK .. or just get urself a realistic dildo .. with the balls .. they are so fun lol
LOL after reading the comments!
um...gnmr is hilarious! pure comedy.
i might be getting too much these days cause i don't find myself slipping into the excessive thoughts of sex. but i have been like that in the past...mostly during dry spells.
morning wood is seriously functional
and wake up sex is what's up, as long as its not like a 3 am when i went to bed at midnight...but that's a long story.
i'm not pressed on girth or width. i just like a nice average to large. too big...too small...it starts to blend together as un-enjoyable.
love the post and the picture is super cute!
i luv this post && the pictures r efin hilarious
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