SOooooooo... let me preface this by saying... I am HETEROSEXUAL... These are my GIRL CRUSHES!!
Meaning, girls that I think are HAWT.
I have always been the girlfriend who checked women out w/ her b/f. I definately think women are beautiful... and enjoy beautiful females..
... how do I know I'm not gay you ask?...
BECAUSE I HAVE A SEVERE PHOBIA OF VAGINA'S! LMAO I hate seeing them and alllllways try to keep underoo's on... Like the sooner I can get them on after sex/showering/etc... the better... So-- nah-- lesbianism isn't for me... but I definately appreciate a beautiful woman... The first is my J.LO-- I've ALWAYS loved her... She's just the epitome of gorgeous to me.. .Someone who I think would be cool to hang out with too.. She seems funny and down to earth (though they say she's a DIVA). I love Jennifer.
This is another woman who seems like she'd be incredibly cool to hang with. Kate Hudson! She's beautiful.. Loved her in "How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days". PLUS she seems super silly... always a plus to me...
Next is Lauren London-- New New from "ATL"... I think it's her dimples... but I'm not COMPLETELY sure... from the second I saw this lil woman, I felt like she was just GORGEOUS...
Ahhh... Cassie.... I saw that video for "Me and You" and was HOOKED... I tink I have a definite "type" of chick that I have GIRL CRUSHES on... and she fits the billl.. Not the best singer but she makes up for it in other areas :)

1 you are rockin my song lol...the lounge we goin to friday night i asked them to make sure the dj has this song LOL
great picks..i love them hot chick i love is Sara Shahi...she is BEAUTIFUL!!!
You know I won't judge...
cause clearly I got a few of my own...
i have a super girl crush on angelina jolie!
mostly though i just like curvy women...perhaps i just like in others what i see about myself. eekk! that sounds vain. but really...don't we usually think people are gorgeous when we share a trait with them?
As a Man I've often identified myself as a Lesbian yet Lesbians discriminate against me and kick me out of thier meetings. Oh Well! (Laughter) Thanks for the visuals!
How are you doing?
iSUPPORT Girls that Like Girls.
I think that Lauren London, universally, has been accepted by all women as being cute as a damn button. I don't know one woman who thinks otherwise...she has that Cindy Brady type face that most girls grow out of but she actually kept it...just cute as hell. And yes, the dimples help LOL
Yeah, I'm not totally in love with the song either...
But I love Chrisette...
She's the bomb...
@Ahhhh--ok Jillz-- New Girl Crush Alert-- HOW DID I SLEEP ON HER?!
Sarah Shahi!!! WOW Half Iranian Half Spanish-- TWO of my favorite things to be! lmaooo
Beautiful girl!
And I LOVEEEEE That song too-- It just makes me feel hot and feisty... Like I run Shyte! lmao
@Starrrrr--- IS Chrisette your girl crush? She's beautiful.... lol and I knew you wouldn't judge ;)
@Young Woman-- You're right! I can identify something w/ ALL of these women that Ihave (unfortunately NONE of those things is my body! LMAOO)... But.. the quirkyniess.. the skin tone... and other things... :)
@Jaycee-- LMAOOOO Yeah, I know MANY lesbian men... lol... They're my favorite kind! You guys have a support group...I think it meets monday nights at HOOTERS. LMAO!
@Jaycie--- LMAO! iSUPPORT Beautiful women... but I do NOT support Vagina's... no matter how beautiful the surrounding person may be! lmao
@Jillz again--- yeah he's a mess right?! lol
@ Assertive-- I remember on ATL when she stepped off the bus... I was like WHO-IS-THAT?! I've had a girl crush on her from first sight!
And I have a MAJOR weakness for dimples... on men and women.
Some awesome kim-kardashian-porn here!
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