Because of the texture of my hair (It's fine. I have hair the texture of the "typical" bi-racial child (though I am not(No offense to anyone who is))) , they don't tend to stay very long. Maybe like a month at the LONGEST!!! Most people can keep them for 3 months-- or LONGER!
This won't be my first excursion into braiding my ENTIRE head either... In highschool I did it... Did it look professional? No. Did it work... Yes... Did it take FOREVER... HEYUL YES!
I'm fully prepared for this to take an ENTIRE weekend... Meaning starting FRIDAY when I get home from work until Sunday when I prepare to sleep for work on Monday. I am actually fully prepared for this to take a few days into the week (and I will braid around the front side
and back so that I may put it in a ponytail to hide what I HAVEN'T done... ) All in all, this will save me approx 200.00 and give me the freedom to stop when I want... Also, I won't have to worry about them all falling out... because I can just pop them back in when I want!

I did a few just a little while ago... Just to make sure I remembered how to install them... yepp... I do :) And again, it doesn't loo PROFESSIONAL... but it looks good enough.. WISH ME LUCK! :)
Good Luck.
PS.omg..so you caught that my quote was frm "sober"...that song is so REAL for me..but ii didnt expect many to recognize the quote!
Good luck with that...that is gonna take 4ever!!!
Good luck and both pics look good.
I mean you do look good in both pictures, would the micro braids stay in longer, if you had them professionally done?
Either way, I think they look good in the picture, not sure how they look in person, but do you.
I understand you doing them yourself and saving $200, because your hair is so soft. My hair is kinda soft too. I'm a man, but I really can't keep cornrows in my hair for more than a week, and I'm definetely not mix!
yeah...that's how i learned to do hair. then it gets tiring. putting them in is the easy part! taking out is what will make you curse the day you decided to braid your hair. but good luck! show us pictures when you are done!
Hey! Stopping over here since you commented on my page. I'm all caught up so I wanted to leave a comment. Good luck with the braiding. I don't see how your arms won't fall off LOL! Take pics!
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