Tuesday, April 7, 2009

*Strippers/Pole Dancing*

iSupport pole dancing. This video is probably not of the BEST pole dancer... and I'm SURE alot of you have seen better... But the things she does makes it look like she'd DEFYING GRAVITY! It's like mezmerizing... She's not hot to me... this is not SEXUAL at all (my facination w/ this vid)... but just the way she's swinging on that pole is banana's... Imagine the kind of ATHLETICISM you have to have to be able to control your body that way...

Ya kno... I always said (and get ready to judge me... ) If I ever got skinny, or had a bomb ass body, I'd do at least ONE song in a strip club. I've always wanted to do it and I've always admired STRIPPING. I think that they're incharge of their sexuality and exude a RIDICULOUS amount of confidence.

NOT ALL strippers are whores. Only the ones who CHOOSE that path. And I don't have a problem w/ them (until the undies come off...)

What song would I strip to? Joi- Lick (playing now). I've already planned for that. And my routine would be RIDICULOUS...

Fun fun fun. If I ever get that bangin' body... look for me in a strip joint near no one. lmao Doin' my thing and rockin' it like a... well... rockstar! lmaooo

and then back to regular life..knowing I did it.

(enter judgements...... now.)

**What are some things that you'd like to do that perhaps, are taboo to others?**


Unknown said...

yeah...I'm going to learn how to pole dance...

Anonymous said...

l0l i wanna learn!!!

Marie said...

First off I wanna say

I would so strip to that song1! I've actually tried and sorta kinda worked but not really*

Ans I wish I could pole dance. I plan on getting a pole in my bedroom once I get my own apartment. So get ready for news updates on my skull fractures and broken limbs cuz I am way too clumsy ..

Young woman on a journey said...

i want to pole dance, for my man though. lol.

btw...that joi song is what is up. i saw this male stripper dance to it one day and my friends and i downloaded it and played it all the time. if there was one song to dance to, it would be that one.

Anonymous said...

*first time commenting, can't remember how I found your blog*

That song along thats plays first makes one want to learn how to pole dance. LOL!!!

Ceecee said...

YES YES YES!!!! I'd love to do like amateur night at a strip club- I don't think id want to do it as a profession but I am an attention whore so...1 night would be good... I love pole dancing thats why i was mad when I went to the strip club with my man- no one got on the pole- NO ONE!!!! but anyhoo- Yeah i need to lose a some wieght and take some lessons and go f#ck that pole up! lol haha

Ceecee said...

btw I listened to 'Lick' with the video on mute-the music goes pretty well with the video...