** Let me start by saying, I do not CONDONE, Advocate for, or believe that it is ok to RAPE someone.** "No!" means "NO!", unless "No!' means "Harder/Faster/Deeper/Rougher/etc"... In which case a 'code word' should be put forth... In THAT CASE, "Asparagus/Banana/Gypsy/Onomonopeia/Grandma/Uncle Ned" or any word NONSEXUAL word of your choosing, means "No!"...***
--on w/ the blogging--
I've heard it said many times that MOST women have, or have at one time had, a 'rape' fantasy(meaning they envision themselves being taken [seemingly] against their will by a lover. This may include bondage, light violence, name calling, etc). I was just wondering... is this true?
I, myself have found the 'agressive lover' to find it's way into my psyche MANY times. Often, I've wondered what it means?! Do i want someone to rough me up? Do i want to just lose control? Why do I want to be 'taken'? Who knows... but to me, it's hot.
What do you think it means when women have the 'rape fantasy' scenerio play out? If it just fun playtime? Or potientially dangerous? Is this a misunderstanding waiting to happen? What are some funny 'code words' that you could use?
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6 years ago
mmmm so whats going to be our code word?
Hmmm... Something that is completely non-sexual and can't be misunderstood...
how about " I'm Pregnant" LMAOOOOOOOOOOOO that's sure to stop you in your tracks. LMAO!!!
*dare accepted* ;)
and i'll go Lets go for twins
Lol... doubtful...
Let's go for "Drywall" then. lmao that'll work
lol @ the above comments
ummmm...i don't have a rape fantasy that i would like to see acted out. i have been tied up which is not the same thing. the tying up was more playful. if i say no and my lover still "takes" it, i would be freaked..
I used to think that having my lover "rape" me would be sexy and thrilling and all that, but that was during my less-chaste days. Now that I have decided to only have sex when I really want to I have been "almost raped" way too many times in the past few months by guys that I'm "seeing". Now I realize that if I say no, I mean just that and no amount of foreplay canges that. No means NO dammit. point. blank. period!
Good blog!
i don't think i would call it a "rape fantasy" simply because rape has such a negative connotation and i have actually been raped.
i do get the psyche behind the idea of being surprised or the idea of your lover taking control.
There is nothing and I mean Nothing cool about Rape! It's a power crime. If a Man can not seduce you with his words, body or deeds then why in the world would you submit to him?
No, the fantasy of taking a woman is perverted if it's taking, the real joy is when she says Yes and invites you in.
Just my two cents thanks for letting me share.
Stop by.
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