Randomness... no other way to explain it....
1. Where is your cell phone? - In my purse... I think
2. Where is your significant other? - I don't have one of those... lol
3. What's your hair color? - black(right now)
4. Your mother? - Is very sick.
Your father? - Is hilarious
4. Your favorite thing? - Music. Singing.
7. Your dream last night? - can't really remember... was something weird I think.
8. Your goal? - Get fit in 2009, get things in order, and begin living.
9. The room you're in? - Living room
10. Your hobby? - Writing, singing, reading
11. Your fear? - Dying alone.
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? - In a career that I truly love ( or on my way to being in it (school)), Married (definately), a kiddo or two.. and looking back @ 2009 saying, "that's where it all began".
13. Where were you last night? - At your house (kidding)
14. What you're not? - Innocent
15. One of your wish list items? - Beautiful Black Mercedes Benz with a drop top.
16. Where you grew up? - Taylorsville KY
17. The last thing you did? - fixed dinn dinn for my kiddo-kio
18. What are you wearing? - a new blue long sleeved thermal shirt and white boycut briefs ; )
19. Your TV? - Is tuned to Super Nanny
20. Your pets? - are looking right @ me (I SWEAR they're like dogs)
21. Your computer? - I now have 2... Gateway (laptop) and E-Machine (desktop)
22. Your mood? - a little lonely... and tired.
23. Missing someone? - Ummm some more than others.
24. Your car? - 06 Sonata
25. Something you're not wearing? - A jock strap
26. Favorite store? - Bath and Body Works
27. Your summer? - stressful and full of drama
28. Love someone? - Sure
29. Your favorite color? Black
30. When is the last time you laughed? - Earlier today @ my kiddo.
31. Last time you cried? - Hmmm...not sure.
32. Are you a b*tch? - Sometimes
33. Favorite position? - Doggy
34. Favorite past time? - Writing/Singing (tie)
35. Are you a hater or a lover? - always a lover
36. Are you genuine or fake? - I only know how to be Jae
37. Any vices? - Cursing. Forgiving too often too easily.
38. Pro-life or wire hanger? - WOW?!? Wirehanger?! holy shit... I believe it depends on the situation.
39. McCain or Obama? - duh... Obama
40. Pro-plastic or natural? - Natural... but after the weight loss... I'll be sportin' some nice lookin' plastic... lol
41. Dream job? - I'd like to start an organization working w/ the homeless to get them reacclimated to society and leading productive lives. Also mentoring homeless children to break the cycle and help them understand how they came to be in their situations.
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6 years ago
You are SOOOOOOOOOO not innocent.
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