Yeahh so, I used to be a believer in the cosmic powers of the universe. You know, horoscopes and such. Today though, was a BIT creepy... like twilight zone crazy... lmao...
To get straight to the point... I got a series of texts from someone that I'd not heard from for quite sometime. It was strange and out of the blue. I didn't think too much of it (despite the numerous 'cosmic' signs that have been eluding to the fact that I'd hear from this person.)...
After the texts ended I just went on about my business... doing the Christmas thing w/ my kiddo-kio. When I had a second or so to myself I milled around the net... looking for a new site to tickle my fancy... Then I just hit up an old standby... Yahoo...So I looked up my horoscope... and it said (Gemini--)" You'll see signs of life in a relationship that you thought was dead and buried."
Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat? NO! I don't want signs of life. Iwant it dead and buried and burned to a crisp! lmao... Stuff like that really stirs me. blah... but I'm still cool... still resolved to move on w/ my life... annnnnnnnnnnd stil super excited about my 2009 :)
Feliz Navidad Honeys...
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6 years ago
Yeah thats minor level creepy.
Sellibait is creepier
Lol. There's nothing wrong w/ celibacy... lol however may recend that goal... lol that's more like TORTURE
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