Hi peeps-- I'm Jae-- It's always easier to blog as if I'm speaking to someone. Regardless to if I have a TRUE audience or not. If all else fails I suppose I DO have those voices in my head ( kidding)...
Soooo... Let me introduce myself... This is me...

I am 26 years young and... well... I'm kind of neurotic... I wear my HEART on my sleeve... Instead of RAMBLING ON AND ON about me... I'll do one of those STUPID ASS surveys that tells you alot of trivial things... HOPEFULLY, Tomorrow, I'll have something decent to add...
Actually--- I don't really feel like it tonight... lol So-- maybe tomorrow...
night night folks--
(By the way, I paid 1.47 for gas this afternoon... and um... It's now 1.39/gallon )-- THANK YOU G-DUB for finally releasing us from your OIL SLICKED grasps... lmao
Oooh wee you ain't lying on that gas! It feels good to get a break!
aww you're pretty!
Awww... Gracias!!!! :)
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