I think African men are from Africa.... I'd need to know in what CONTEXT you're asking, to give you my full answer :)
Thursday, August 19, 2010
What do you think is the hardest thing about being a mom?
I think the hardest thing is finding balance. Finding that line between mommy and child... raising a wonderful member of society... while giving the most love you've ever given. :) So, yeah. Balance. :)
Posted by JaeSpenc at 7:05 PM 0 comments
Thursday, April 22, 2010
I miss my mother soooo much

On March 23rd, in the wee hours of the morning, my mother, Joanne Houston Sitgraves, left this planet and reached out to the hands of God.
We had our ups...and DEFINITELY our downs... but all in all, there's not a woman on this planet that I admired more. She truly knew how to make a dollar out of fifteen cents and deserved SO MUCH MORE out of life, than what she was given.
This is a video tribute that I made for her funeral... I loved this woman... and I must say, there is NO loss greater, than the loss of your mother.
Posted by JaeSpenc at 3:53 PM 7 comments
Labels: love, missing, Mother, saddness, Slow Death, Tribute
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Ask me anything http://formspring.me/JaeSpence
Posted by JaeSpenc at 6:52 PM 0 comments
Monday, March 15, 2010
I finally finished it!!! Wooo hoooo....
Hope you guys like!!! :) 7 hrs and 450.00 later I'm all finished w/ my tatty :) I LOVE IT!!! For those of you who didn't know how it started... here it is...
All I have to say is, don't get drunk in an apartment w/ someone who has a homemade tattoo gun and too much time on their hands... hahahahahaha It was a HOT MESS and I had lived w/ it for 10 years... it was time for a change...
Tattoo's aren't for me... I don't like them much... and they're WAYYYYYY more painful than my piercings... I have one more to finish up and then I'm done foreveeeeerrrrr :)
Posted by JaeSpenc at 6:33 PM 6 comments
Labels: love it, ouch ouch, Tatty done, urban ink
Sunday, March 14, 2010
I C U!
So, my intuition is SUPER STRONG! It always has been... I can sniff out a liar from a MILE AWAY... My senses must be even more keen as of recent because I've sniffed out a couple of liars who actually lied for NO GOOD DAMN REASON!
I'm not going to go very DEEP w/ this... but I will say... be mindful of who you let onto your friendslist on Facebook. I know, it's just a social networking site... but, for some reason, people ( self included ) are more comfortable divulging things about themselves on Facebook than they were on Myspace or any other network... maybe because MOST of the people on my list, I ACTUALLY know...
I have a fair amount of friends who have reached out to me via friends I ACTUALLY DO KNOW... meaning, I don't know these people... but we KNOW someone in common. .. a few people have come at me or approached me on a personal interest level... and it has flourished into something that could have possibly gone somewhere..
... and then I started sniffing ...
sigh... please don't try to be a f/b player... lol... that game RARELY works... your network is too close to the surface and you WILL be found out... funnny funnny funnnnnnnny ;) I CU!
Posted by JaeSpenc at 4:47 PM 1 comments
Labels: dummy, facebook, player, yeah right
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Tatty Stage One!
I just realized that I had NEVER followed up on my blog about the new tattoo!!! Well here it is... STAGE ONE (I still have 2 more sittings)...
I sat for 4 hours for this first stage... believe it of not, it's still not really as LARGE as I wanted it... but, Maybe when it's all done, I'll love it more...
The next couple of stages will consist of adding the stems and more shading in the petals... :) I love love love my tatty... :)
I think the FUNNIEST thing about this tattoo is, It's getting me a decent amount of 'play' hahahahaha... Since I got it, at least 3 gentlemen have expressed an interest in licking it... hahahahahah... That's weird... but... I guess an compliment right? hahahaha..
Tell me what you think!!! :)
Posted by JaeSpenc at 6:15 PM 5 comments
Labels: Almost there, Ouch, Tattoo
Thursday, February 4, 2010
I'm gettin' TATTED!!!
Sooo... I'm not much on Tattoo's... It's VERY RARE for me to see one that I like... and rarer still for me to see one that I WANT!
Welll...it's HAPPENED!!! I saw this tattoo and fell in LOVVVVVVVE... and .... Now I'm going to be getting TATTED SATURDAY!!! Wooo hooo
... now of course, this tattoo is up the side of a very skinny chick... and we ALL KNOW that I am NOT that chick... lmaooo If I were to place my tat in the SAME PLACE You would miss half of it do to... ummm... let us call it... FOLDING lmaooo
MINE will be up the outside of my right upper arm with the top lily opening onto the shoulder. The bottom stems will be made into treble clefs... :) :) :) It's going to be LARGE... going from elbow to shoulder... and I may add a large lily... (3 lilies)...
I know FOR SURE that it won't go past the bend of my elbow... because I want to be able to wear 3/4 length shirts w/o the tat showing (for business)... Wooo hoooo... I'm excited...
What sucks is that just TONIGHT I found another one that I ALSO like... I'm so indecisive that it's causing me to vacillate now!! lol... Here's THAT picture...
Sooo I've got a couple of days to make my decision... Ahhhhh... lol
Pain pain pain...
Posted by JaeSpenc at 7:38 PM 3 comments
Labels: decision, ouch ouch, Pain, Tattoo I want
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
This video MADE-MY-WEEK!
Ramen Noodles are LIKE that sometimes... but I've NEVER wigged out like this!!!
hahahahaha HILARIOUS!
Posted by JaeSpenc at 7:25 PM 2 comments
Labels: crazy, hilarious, ramen noodles, video
Sunday, January 10, 2010
New Year, New Do :)
Soooo It's 2010 right?? And everyone is talking about all the changes that they're going to make... Going to the gym... Enhancing their relationships... Stopping the smoking habit!

Posted by JaeSpenc at 6:50 PM 6 comments
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
... 2 years later ...
I'd ask you to leave... let me live my life... allow me to invite in even the prospect of submitting a portion of myself to someone else on the same level as you were afforded... I'd beg of you to let me reclaim that small piece of my heart that you'd stolen... no wait... I'd freely given in lighter times.... I'd request these things...
... except...
What would would I have?
... I can't smell you anymore... can't even remember your essence wafting lightly into my experience... your features are becoming vague, except for the technological 'gifts' that allow for my sadistic-voyeurism to flourish... But you look different... something changes when you're holding your son... or touching her... shoulder... something about that picture is wrong... strange...
... it's not you... it's her...
...... should have been......
... but it's not crippling anymore... these memories... thoughts... regrets.... matter of fact, you've become more fleeting than concrete... I go about time... being Jae... learning Jae... seeking Jae... forgetting J.
Posted by JaeSpenc at 6:02 PM 2 comments
Labels: remembering, sigh, wanting to forget, Why
Monday, January 4, 2010
... because I care about my readers, I ask for this ONE promise...
Posted by JaeSpenc at 6:21 PM 7 comments
Labels: ew girl, shave that shit, so foul, where are your drawers