Sooo... I'm not much on Tattoo's... It's VERY RARE for me to see one that I like... and rarer still for me to see one that I WANT!'s HAPPENED!!! I saw this tattoo and fell in LOVVVVVVVE... and .... Now I'm going to be getting TATTED SATURDAY!!! Wooo hooo
... now of course, this tattoo is up the side of a very skinny chick... and we ALL KNOW that I am NOT that chick... lmaooo If I were to place my tat in the SAME PLACE You would miss half of it do to... ummm... let us call it... FOLDING lmaooo
MINE will be up the outside of my right upper arm with the top lily opening onto the shoulder. The bottom stems will be made into treble clefs... :) :) :) It's going to be LARGE... going from elbow to shoulder... and I may add a large lily... (3 lilies)...
I know FOR SURE that it won't go past the bend of my elbow... because I want to be able to wear 3/4 length shirts w/o the tat showing (for business)... Wooo hoooo... I'm excited...
What sucks is that just TONIGHT I found another one that I ALSO like... I'm so indecisive that it's causing me to vacillate now!! lol... Here's THAT picture...
Sooo I've got a couple of days to make my decision... Ahhhhh... lol
Pain pain pain...
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6 years ago
Well go head on sista! but ouch! ooch eeek ooooh lol I haven't had chilrens so my pain level hasn't risen beyond cramps and a bad toothache- dont know if I could take a tat...
iSUPPORT new Ink!!!!
Looks painful as hell but BEAUTIFUL!! Good luck!
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