I just realized that I had NEVER followed up on my blog about the new tattoo!!! Well here it is... STAGE ONE (I still have 2 more sittings)...
I sat for 4 hours for this first stage... believe it of not, it's still not really as LARGE as I wanted it... but, Maybe when it's all done, I'll love it more...
The next couple of stages will consist of adding the stems and more shading in the petals... :) I love love love my tatty... :)
I think the FUNNIEST thing about this tattoo is, It's getting me a decent amount of 'play' hahahahaha... Since I got it, at least 3 gentlemen have expressed an interest in licking it... hahahahahah... That's weird... but... I guess an compliment right? hahahaha..
Tell me what you think!!! :)
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6 years ago
pretty flowers!
my honey bee on my arm has encouraged men to say some of the most uncouth things I've ever heard from a random stranger; for instance:
"you like them big tattoos with all that detail; you must like it rough, huh"
really? why would I be discussing my sexual activity with a stranger? get outta here LOL
LMAO!!!! Wow... yeah they seem to have lost their minds... Some are welcomed ( from guys I like and respect )... but SERIOUSLY... STRANGERS are like " I wanna lick all over your flower "... what?!?
thanks :)
its soooooooooo cute! can't wait to see the finished product.
Thankkkkkkkkkk you :)
I'm definitely diggin it so far. You plan on getting any more, I mean, after these next stages of this one are done?
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