Thursday, December 31, 2009
Vlog... Year of 'Exploration'...
Posted by JaeSpenc at 10:27 PM 3 comments
Labels: exploration, jae, new year, vlog
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
*Sexually Spontaneous*
-- So for whatever reason, I'm feeling some sort of 'way' tonight... not frisky or even horny... just... I guess... longing...
*what for?*
-- Someone who is sexually spontaneous. Recently, I've been seeing guys who are... umm... to borrow a word from my homie Jaycie "lame". They are ok and serve their purpose but nothing about them 'excites' me. Doesn't make me swoon or even think about them too often... especially in the sexual sense. I guess you can call them 'pass-times'... you may as well... because that's what I call them.
-- There's absolutely nothing like a man who is intelligent, caring, tender, up and coming (or better yet already there!), and SEXUALLY SPONTANEOUS!... what does that mean? To me, it's someone who will, at the drop of a hat, show you how they're 'feeling'... no shame in their game but always keeping it discreet (if in public), and steamy and no holds barred when in private...
-- For example... Right now, I'm here laying on the bed on my tummy typing my blog... chillin' in my boycuts and sportsbra @ home all alone (kiddo's away)... -- Regular guy, let's call him Poindexter, would come in lay beside me, ask what I'm doing... maybe chit chat... give me a kiss on the cheek, and go on about his business...
-- Sexually spontaneous man, hmmm... Let's call him Frederico (lol), would come in and act nonchalant... slowly run his hands up the back of my legs and over my arse... maybe kiss my up my back and move my boycuts to the side for some handplay... (I know, and overshare... but I'm keeping it REAL... this is MY BLOG!)...
-- I LOVEEEEEEEEEEE that sort of thing... I mean, it's not enough to make the OTHER things not matter... but it's definitely a nice icing on the yummy man cake. --
Anyway... Sometimes you can't put your finger on what you're missing... but right now, I know exactly what it is... :: Sigh:: oh well...
Posted by JaeSpenc at 5:57 PM 6 comments
Labels: calling you daddi, sexually spontaneous, Where are you
Thursday, December 10, 2009
I thought I'd seen EVERYTHING... and then...
So seriously... What's next?? Brace yourself... This is crazy...
Posted by JaeSpenc at 8:44 PM 4 comments
Labels: crazy, Nuts, Seriously, Train Wreck
Monday, December 7, 2009
It's DONE!!! and I LOVE IT!!!
DONE!!! I love it!!! It hurt like a MOLLYHOPPER but so worth it... :) My piercer was GREAT so nice... and I look forward to changing it to a SMALLER gem after it heals (can't do so right now)... :)
I'm super excited about this piercing... even though it's semi-permanent... they make clear plugs and flesh colored plugs... so when it's really not APPROPRIATE to have a gem beside your eye... I am able to downplay it... lol
It still hurts a bit... and bled for QUITE a while... but it's subsided now :) I love piercings... but I fear this will be my last...
Well... it'll be my last that's visible to the public ;^)
Posted by JaeSpenc at 11:48 AM 6 comments
Labels: DONE, love it, new piercing, Ouch
Sunday, December 6, 2009
TOoooo-Morrow Tomorrow... I'm PIERCING Tomorrow... it's only a day AAAWAYYY!!
To the left you see the hardware that will be IMPLANTED into my face TOMORROW! It's called a microdermal implant or a facial anchor piercing... They pierce the skin and then implant that bottom piece (w/ all the holes) into your body wherever you'd like... afterwhich they screw in the ball... the entire process takes between 20 and 30 minutes and LOOKS very painful...
I know you're thinking, JAE!!! You're NUTS!!! But nooooo i'm not! I'm soo excited and scared all @ the same time... The last piercing I had completed was my "Marilyn" (above my lip). Since then, I've searched and searched for a new piercing... I'm so particular w/ what I want on my face that I hadn't found anything... until today...
I will have mine placed beside my right eye... just to the side... (that's a pic of what it will probably look like... except the gem will be larger... and there will only be one... )... I'm so excited!!!!!!
The only think that REALLY bothers me, is that when I want to completely remove it, I can't just take it out as is the case w/ my other piercings... I'll have to go have it CUT out either by my piercer or a physician... You can change the hardware (jewel, ball, etc) but the BASE won't come out unless it's CUT out...
... Those holes in the base are important to this entire process... They're there SPECIFICALLY to anchor the piercing into my face... the skin is supposed to grow IN BETWEEN those holes therefore keeping it in place... it's called a semi-permanent body modification...To the RIGHT you'll see Monica... She has this modification as well... (look closely to the outside of her eye... that little bead of light is her piercing)... I had NO CLUE she had this until AFTER I'd already decided to have it done! It looks SO cute on her... I only hope it does me justice... :)
Ok, I'm rambling... but... ya know... I can't WAIT! When I leave my current job for another ( after I finish college, etc)... I'll probably go have it cut out for a more professional look... but HONESTLY, it doesn't look 'freakish' at all... Piercing when done CORRECTLY and in MODERATION can actually COMPLIMENT the natural aesthetic... :)
Wish me luck... and I'll have pics! :)
Posted by JaeSpenc at 5:35 PM 5 comments
Labels: Body Modification, Cheek Piercing, Pain, Pleasure, Something New
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Just a little Vlog.. :) Catching UP
Posted by JaeSpenc at 10:06 PM 6 comments
Labels: Guitar, Silly girl, Tiger, vlog
"I'm going to wear you out..."
Ok, So I'm going to reveal a little bit about myself that I'm sure MOST of you don't know.... When I was in highschool, I had a SERIOUS obession w/ Tiger Woods. Like SERIOUS. EVERY INCH of every wall of my bedroom was COVERED w/ any image of him that I could find... I even cut a few of the pictures out and made them "3-D" so that it would seem he was ACTUALLY in my room... lmaooooo ... a little trick I learned in art class...
I OWN the video that shows how he began... him as a little one putting away w/ his daddy Earl... I watched it EVERY SINGLE DAY! I would watch EVERY golf game that he played in that was televised... and when he came to KY @ Valhalla... I had serious thoughts of sneaking in and charging the green! This was SERIOUS... @ one point I THINK I believed that I'd one day MEET Tiger, and he'd fall head over hills in love w/ me... lmaooooooooo (I said I was a kid right?!)
This obsession faded (thankfully) and, though I STILL thought he was a fantastic athlete and VERY handsome (for my tastes), I didn't obsess or even really FOLLOW his career... Until Now...
TIGER just got 10x HAWTER! Wow... I know, I know... He cheated on his wife w/ 3 broads... Ok, that was wrong... but honestly, I'm sure 99% of all FAMOUS ATHLETES do this! Men are ONLY as faithful as the options available to them... and let's keep it ALL THE WAY REAL, when the zero's start getting stacked onto the end of your income, the caliber of 'panty-droppers' available to you CLIMBS SIGNIFICANTLY.
You know in Highschool Tiger got ZERO play from anyone even REMOTELY resembling these ladies. I mean YES, he may have gotten a little slob action from the chess team geeks... or maybe a handjob from the only female tuba player in the band... but Top Shelf Arse? Nah- nothin' doin'... So he was, in essence reliving his highschool dreams and knocking out every piece of choice poon-tang he could muster.
Let me get to the reason his sex appeal just CLIMBED (in my opinion...)... TIGER IS HUMAN! He's not SQUEAKY CLEAN as he's been portrayed for YEARS... This dude texted one of his mistresses " How long has it been since you had a good fuck?"! WHAT?!! :: instant lubrication:: and "I'm going to WEAR YOU OUT." :: WET NAP PLEASE!!!??
There's NOTHING I love more than a good steamy text from the person I'm seeing... ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!!! My imagination tends to be more INTENSE than most... and generally out performs the ACTUAL act that you've made me think you're going to perform... So NOW I have the PERFECT COMBINATION of what I ALWAYS ASKED for in a man... Articulate, Intelligent, Ambitious, Driven, Passionate (about his craft), and Presentable to ALL audiences in public... but OH SO NASTY w/ me... lol... I'm talking BARACK to everyone else... and PLIES in the bedroom, while whispering in MY ear, and on my text screen... Sheesh...
Tiger... you're a bad bad bad boy for cheatin' on Elin... but umm... If you ever decide to like sista's (thick/chubby sista's nonetheless)... I know a Caramel colored Kentuckian who'd be MUCH OBLIGED to satiate that need...
... call me...
Posted by JaeSpenc at 7:11 AM 5 comments
Labels: Bad boy, Big Daddy, Could get it, Hawtness, Sheesh, Tiger