To the left you see the hardware that will be IMPLANTED into my face TOMORROW! It's called a microdermal implant or a facial anchor piercing... They pierce the skin and then implant that bottom piece (w/ all the holes) into your body wherever you'd like... afterwhich they screw in the ball... the entire process takes between 20 and 30 minutes and LOOKS very painful...
I know you're thinking, JAE!!! You're NUTS!!! But nooooo i'm not! I'm soo excited and scared all @ the same time... The last piercing I had completed was my "Marilyn" (above my lip). Since then, I've searched and searched for a new piercing... I'm so particular w/ what I want on my face that I hadn't found anything... until today...
I will have mine placed beside my right eye... just to the side... (that's a pic of what it will probably look like... except the gem will be larger... and there will only be one... )... I'm so excited!!!!!!
The only think that REALLY bothers me, is that when I want to completely remove it, I can't just take it out as is the case w/ my other piercings... I'll have to go have it CUT out either by my piercer or a physician... You can change the hardware (jewel, ball, etc) but the BASE won't come out unless it's CUT out...
... Those holes in the base are important to this entire process... They're there SPECIFICALLY to anchor the piercing into my face... the skin is supposed to grow IN BETWEEN those holes therefore keeping it in place... it's called a semi-permanent body modification...To the RIGHT you'll see Monica... She has this modification as well... (look closely to the outside of her eye... that little bead of light is her piercing)... I had NO CLUE she had this until AFTER I'd already decided to have it done! It looks SO cute on her... I only hope it does me justice... :)
Ok, I'm rambling... but... ya know... I can't WAIT! When I leave my current job for another ( after I finish college, etc)... I'll probably go have it cut out for a more professional look... but HONESTLY, it doesn't look 'freakish' at all... Piercing when done CORRECTLY and in MODERATION can actually COMPLIMENT the natural aesthetic... :)
Wish me luck... and I'll have pics! :)
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6 years ago
Good luck --hope it turns out the way you expect...cant see the pic of monica though...
and I def agree that peircings actually do complement...
Good luck.
I can't see Monica's picture either..but when you wrote that it had to be cut out...the first thing I thought was...she must be in college or something. LOL. I like piercings but I can't wear them like I use too. I have a nose ring and a tongue ring. I wanted the Marilyn Monroe piercing or my bottom lip pierced but it's not worth the trouble of putting them in and out for work. Good luck though!
Lol... I love it... I have already put up a post of the results... not sure what happened w/ the Monica pic... oh well not important anymore. lol
I'm not in College Sincerely... but I hope to go back very soon... My job just doesn't mind piercings... as long as it's not EXTREME... I've had my Marilyn the entire time I've worked there ( 4yrs )-- and asked in my interview what their policy was on piercings.. :)
But when I get a new job (after college) I'm sure it will have to be changed out or completely removed. :)
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