Friday, February 20, 2009

Misplaced affection and admiration

Thats a picture of my workspace... Yummy yummy Robert Pattinson.... lol (just showing that because I SHOULD be working... but this was on my mind...)

Is affection just a form of energy? I'm sure we're all aware that energy cannot truly be 'destroyed', but is merely transferred. Potential and Kinetic. But, if affection and love (meaning the need for release of these things) are just forms of energy, can we project them onto an unintended target simply as a means for release/transference?

I ask because, recently I've begun having some weirdly misplaced feelings for a friend. This is a close (yet distant) guy... and he's nice, intelligent, attractive, and ridiculously unavailable to me (Not because of attachment, but because of other factors that I would never be willing to overlook.)

Honestly, I believe that this is my psyche acting out because it has no pure place to focus this romantic feeling of warmth. I'm just idealizing someone.

I'm sure this will pass... I HOPE this passes sooner rather than later-- It's like a tension that u can't release. lol I hate it. Maybe I need to keep contact at a minimum with this person until I get myself together...

Misplaced affection and admiration.... WOW...

cocaine is a helluva drug (lol kidding I don't do drugs lol )


NightFall914 said...

My pic been replaced by Robert Pattinson!?!?!
Ain't that a bitch......

Young woman on a journey said...

lol at nightfall.

i never thought about love being like energy (or matter). but i think you may be on to something

JaeSpenc said...

Yeah-- it's's like one of those " next lifetime " situations... lol

I'm just a coo-coo lol