Friday, August 14, 2009

... Guess who's in love...

... not me...

I feel like all my friends/family/aquaintances/dogs in the neighborhood/birds and locusts are in love.

... bastards...

They're all in love or falling there... or getting married.... or having a baby ( Jim (exie) had his a couple of days ago)... They're writing about love and bragging about romance and kissing and holding hands and cuddling and UGH!!!

... I am so frustrated ...

Not that I'm NOT in love... that I don't CARE TO BE in love!! Like...I miss companionship... and I've tried to FORCE myself into caring and feeling for someone... and I don't. Nope. Not one Iota...

Definitely... I am realizing that I am a completely different person in this realm of my life than I have ever been. Not wide eyed. Not eager. Guarded. Icy even. not myself.

Meds? Could be. I've restarted my A.D.D meds ( about a month ago )... and asked for Depression meds... because things for me were getting a little too... ummm... dark.

It's astonishing how you can fool people... You'd never guess what's really going on in someone's head if they gave you a smile and a laugh. You can't see a slow death when it's veiled in a vibrant living front... ;)

So anyway... Everyone's in love.

... yeah...




♥ CG ♥ said...

Hey babe! I'm glad you're back. Hang in there, love will catch you by surprise :-).

Young woman on a journey said...

Happy to have another post from you! Missed you! But you are right, it seems like everyone is going to that place, except you me and a bunch of people on blogger. And you are right, you never know what's going on underneath a smile, but its good you sought help!

NightFall914 said...

I've noticed the same thing I'm paying very close attention to the differences in peoples actions when they "have" someone.

VonDign said...

Crazy idnt it ...its not even winter yet

Felicia|DaLipstickBandit said...

yoooooooooooooooooooo, i totally feel you!! i can't even say any more..


clnmike said...

Anybody can fall in love. Staying in love is the mutha.

achoiceofweapons said...

I'm in Love with you....'re Blog! Now stop being mean and come over and visit mine!

Marie said...

Lol ..
Same here .. feels like when Im in a shitty relationship or single everyone around is unhappy and depressed. Once my ass is single and pissed at the world people wanna have get togethers and couple dates .. WTF?!!!
BTW Ive missed reading your blogs

Anonymous said...

WOW...I just found your blog. Hurry and get that new phone and get to blogging....I am intrigued...I see myself in your musings...odd, wasn't looking for that either....