YAY!!! Finally after 18 months of the Tmobile Dash... It's time for a new celly!!! There you see it... just to the right of this picture... Tmobile Mytouch 3g. :)
(No Jay, I haven't joined the CRACKBERRY nation.... I will do that as soon as you send my your first 'tweet'... lol)
I'm super stoked because this phone is allll that I really need. It has the app's like iphone, 3g service (speedy), internet capability, and is closely linked w/ google and all of it's applications. This should enable me to blog more often... and on the go...
Trust me, my blogging on the fly is way funnier than when I've had time to overthink the subjects... lol
Definitely looking forward to receiving it in about a week... YES!! I said a WEEK... Due to the fact that I called customer service for T-mobile and THREATENED to cancel service w/ them, they offered me a full upgrade 6 months early. CATCH IS, I have to wait for it to be mailed to me... BOOOOOOO... I'm SUCH an immediate gratification kind of girl... I want it NOW!!! But, alas.. you can't always get what you want...
To the Left (to the left ), you see the SKIN that I've ordered for my phone... SKINIT.com is a GREAT site that lets you order customized hardshells and gel skin's for your cell, laptop, psp, crackberry, toaster, etc (well... maybe not the toaster).
This is a picture w/ me and my best friend in the world, my guitar... and the front is one of the many beautiful sunsets I captured while in Panama city beach in May... along w/ the word, " Solace "... Because that's really all I want...
I feel like a lil' kid waiting for Christmas right now!!! I'm actually going to the T-mobile store to get some screen protectors and see what kind of accessories I can buy for my new baby...
YAYAYAYAY I loveeeee new toys... of ANY kind ;^)
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6 years ago
That phone looks sexy as heeelllll.
But I got to stay with the Berry bby.
I was going to get the Mytouch BUT I need a keyboard so I settled for the g1 .. and rooted it so it's 3g like the Mytouch. Because my phone and yours have the same interface I already know that you're going to love it!!! You're going to fall in love with being able to put a picture on each home wall .. lol
Have fun and enjoy mama!!
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