(That's me and my girl Vida @ work... Swine Flu Ready a couple of weeks ago... hahahahah)
So I've been M.I.A for about 4 months now... I can't BELIEVE it's been that long since I've blogged steadily.... Something about the motions of moving and getting everything unpacked and settled has gotten me off track w/ my blogging... It's really a shame... because there's been so much to write about...
... It's been kind of a down quarter for me... There have been some MAJOR betrayals... and some major "strings" cut. I'll spare the ridiculous details of what happened... but in the last 3 months I've cut at least 3 close friends 'loose'... and for good reason...
... I've learned a lesson... a few actually... that will stick w/ me for the remainder of my days... 1.) My mother was right about many many things that I wish she WASN'T right about. 2.) Birds of a feather, really DO stick together... 3.) Sometimes keeping your friends close and your enemies closer is confusing... because the line between the two is SO VERY FINE...
... Oh well I say... Good riddance right? The word "Friend" is used too loosely by most... and taken too seriously by few... Friends to me are like family... I hold them very close... and when one hurts me to the depths that these few have, it changes me as a person... and usually not for the better...
... It happened... It's over...
I'll live... that's all I have to say. :)
(WOW!! Two days in a row!!! Wooo hooooo)
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6 years ago
I cant stand being remind about how right my mother was. And she never hesitates to let me know that.
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